Easy DIY: How to Clean Hot Tub Filters in 4 Simple Steps

Having a personal hot tub is great because you can get a relaxing hypnotherapy moment at any time for the whole year in any season. Just like other devices, a hot tub needs regular maintenance to make it last longer and cleaner. When it comes to a hot tub, a hot tub filter is one of the core parts that you have to maintain regularly. It’s because it’s a part to make sure you have clean and safe water to soak in.

If you’re looking for an easy tutorial on how to maintain a hot tub filter, just keep scrolling down!

How to Clean Hot Tub Filters

Turn Off the Power

Your safety is the ultimate priority and you don’t want something bad to happen during the whole process. Turning off the hot tub power is the first step to do.

  • Check your hot tub manufacturer’s guide to know the location of the power. It’s usually placed on the bottom side of the hot tub.
  • Once you find the power, turn it off.
  • It’s important to note not to run a hot tub without filters because it can cause clogged pumps and other water issues.

Prepare Cleaning Solution

Based on your needs, prepare the cleaning solution.

  • Please make sure to wear protective gloves since you will be having contact with chemical products.
  • Pour the solution into a clean bucket and mix it with water according to the manual guide.
  • Check if it’s perfectly mixed and if it’s enough to clean a few filters (if you have more than one to clean).

Remove the Filter

Just like how to turn off the hot tub power, check the manufacturer’s manual to know the filter’s location and how to remove it safely.

  • Once you know the position of the filter, remove it from its place.
  • Check if there’s a problem.
  • If you spot any discoloration or damage, you may need to replace it with a new one.

Clean the Filter

There are three common cleaning methods that you can choose based on your hot tub filter’s condition.

#1 Quick Rinse

This method is the quickest way that can be used for weekly maintenance and is only recommended for light issues to keep debris from piling up.

  • Use a garden hose or a large sink to rinse up the filter.
  • Make sure to spread apart from each pleat and rinse well between them to get any dirt, hair, or other debris out.
  • Let the filter dry before putting it back into the tub.

#2 Chemical Spray

This one is recommended for a monthly or fortnightly process depending on the hot tub usage.

  • Give your filter a quick rinse to remove large debris.
  • Dilute the spray solution with water in a spray bottle. Check the manufacturer’s instructions to see the concentrate that must be diluted.
  • Spray the hot tub filter solution and wait for 10 – 15 minutes.
  • After 10 – 15 minutes, rinse it thoroughly with clean water to prevent it from foaming.

#3 Deep Soak

This method is the most time-consuming but the most thorough since it allows the solution to soak into pleats. You can do this method when you change your hot tub water that ideally happens for 3 – 4 months.

  • Give a quick rinse to remove large debris.
  • Use a large and clean bucket, pour the soak solution and dilute it with water according to the instructions.
  • Put the filter inside the bucket and make sure that it’s completely submerged.
  • Leave the filter to soak for at least 8 hours or more.
  • Rinse the filter thoroughly with clean water and wait until the filter dries.

Check your hot tub filter to see if it needs immediate cleaning. if so, we hope that this quick tutorial can help you!

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